Guest Speaker
Gail Cavanaugh McAuliffe
Behaviorial Health
We have a special opportunity from
Friends Forever International
Una, one of our FFI visitors from a few years ago,
is spending the summer at
FFI Headquarters in New Hampshire.
If one of our members is willing to host her for an
overnight stay, Una would be delighted to update
our club on FFI developments and new programs
and also share her memories of Cyndi with us.
Please let Jessica know if this is a possibility for you
and the best dates for you.
Notes from July 11 Club Assembly Conversations
• Friends Forever International Opportunities
The group agreed that we would like to host a
Friends Forever International group in October
from any country and invite the Marblehead Rotary, Interact and
Elderact to participate.
Ideas for the day, subject to board approval and logistics,
include lunch at the high school, a boat cruise around
Salem and Marblehead Harbors, a Fort Sewall experience,
and dinner at the Masons' Philanthropic odge
Club 27th Anniversary Celebration
Similar to last year's Lighthouse event,
the suggestion is to meet on the Harbor this time
at Fort Sewall.
Bring your own picnic.
Subject to board approval and permission from Park & Rec.