Patricia Sullivan and the new Board of Directors for 2020-21 were installed last week in a digital event, that was as inspiring as it was groundbreaking. Dozens of Rotarians and their friends joined in by Zoom, proving that distance is not a barrier when we don’t want it to be a barrier.
In her address to the gathering, Patricia announced a set of goals that include:
 – continued support for Shelterbox; 
 – explore how we can help address inequalities in our town, and cultivate a culture of inclusion and belonging;
 – explore whether we can do more than just provide food and money to the Food Pantry for folks who are in need;
 – think about what we could do to encourage people of color and other minorities to join our club;  
 – expand our Zoom meeting format so we can replicate our small table discussions, organize friends Forever Zoom meetings, expand the reach of the Holiday Pops through this year’s digital format;
 – help in addressing some of our local environmental concerns. 
 – continue this year’s project to expand membership, cut short by the pandemic.